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Dermatologist Center

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How to Differentiate Between a Cold Sore and Pimple?

A cold sore or a pimple could be the same and both are highly uncomfortable for everyone so how to differentiate between a cold sore and a Pimple? A cold sore is usually located in an area of the lower lip and some time on the upper lip. Cold sore can be itchy, burn, or tingle in nature and made of a few tiny blisters that are clustering together. When it comes to pimple they can appear anywhere on your face that could be very painful to touch.


Pimples have a single blackhead or a white head. Your Dermatologist will analyze and suspect the cold sore based on its appearance and where it is located. After the confirmation of cold sore, they might suggest a viral culture that involves swabbing the lesions and testing the skin cells for a virus, blood testing, and a biopsy but they will diagnose your Problem after detail analysis of your skin. Most of the people don’t know actually what cold sores are.


They are also known as fever blisters that usually form in a cluster and appear in the bottom lip. Before the arrival of the blister, you may feel tingling, itching, or burning in the area. Eventually, the blisters will pop, form a crust, and go away in about two to four weeks. The main causes of cold sores include kissing, sharing of towels, sharing eating utensils, makeup, and lip balm.

If you are having a virus then you can spread it easily and the virus is much more contagious during an outbreak or when a cold sore is visible, however. For the treatment of cold sores, you dermatologists prescribe antiviral medications or you can also use medicated creams to get rid of it. If you want to perform at home treatment use a cold compress by keeping your lips protected from the sun.

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